Celebrating women+ STEM heroes of past, present, and future.
A World of Women in STEM
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Monte-Carlo method to calculate area
Measuring tree rings
Climate vocabulary
Growing stalagmites
Coral bleaching
Fossilized snowflakes
Growing ice spikes
Scientifically Accurate Paper Snowflakes
Logarithms, Half Lives, and Radioisotopes
Make Your Own Paper
Modeling Earth's Atmosphere
Ozone: The Earth's Sunscreen
Weighing the Atmosphere
What is plant tanning?
Covalent bond gumdrops
The science of leather tanning
Making Your Own Fossil Endocasts
How does the human brain work?
Evolution of the Human Skull
Red Cabbage Litmus Test
Plant Dyes
Floating Along
Sweet and Sour
Machine Learning
A Neural Network Playground
Mini Pop Rocket
Sound Wave Generator
Bending Light
Patricia Bath - I Spy With My Little Eye
Eunice Foote - What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Eunice Foote - Make Your Own Greenhouse
Firing Neurons
Virtual Bacterial Growth Lab
Grinding Gears
Binary Bracelets
A Geometric Coin Trick
Fun with Knots
Botany Explorer's Guide
Ynés Mexía - Plant Species
Pi Day - Smell the Maillard Reaction
Pi Day - Goodness Gracious! Great Balls of Gluten!
Pi Day - Buffon's Needle
Collision Lab
Vectors and Matrices
Searching for Other Planets Like Ours
Measure the Speed of Light
How do planes fly?