Ynés Mexía was a brave explorer and botanist extraordinaire. In her 13-year career she collected over 150,000 specimens and discovered 500 new species! Over 50 species were named after her, and they're all listed below. Follow the links or use Google to find pictures and facts about these species:
Acourtia Mexiae Anemia x Mexiae Astragalus Mexiae
Casearia Mexiae Castilleja Mexiae Cyathea Mexiae
Dryopteris Mexiae Echeandia Mexiae Erigeron Mexiae
Meriania Mexiae Mexianthus Mexicanus Mexia Soejarto
Mimosa Mexiae Ottonia Mexiae Oxypetalum Mexiae
Perama Mexiae Piper Mexiae Piper Chinantlense var. Mexiae
Rondeletia Maxiae Rudgea Mexiae Rhus Allophylloides var. Mexiae
Verbesina Mexiae Vernonia Mexiae Weinmannia Mexiae

Try to answer these questions:
What does the plant look like?
Where does the specimen grow?
What other kinds of plants and animals share the species' ecosystem?
Is the species endangered?
To take your investigation outdoors, print a Botany Explorer's Guide!